Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you wear Invisalign with dental implants?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if I can wear Invisalign with dental implants?

13 Answers

Again it depends. The implant teeth will not move like natural teeth. Discuss this with your orthodontist.
Implants do not move

Teeth do
Yes, you can but understand that the implant will not move.
Yes you can, it will not be moving, therefore will not be affected
An implant provides an anchor that resists movement. A tooth on an implant does NOT move. Invisalign treatment involves a series of removable shells that will move your teeth slowly. The invisalign shells can be made to fit around the implant tooth while moving your natural teeth. So, yes, invisalign treatment can be done if you have implants.
Invisalign can be used to move your other teeth, but the implants cannot move.
Yes you can provided your Provider has notified Invisalign that the implant tooth is not to be moved.

Mark Johnson
Absolutely! Whoever writes the prescription has to indicate where the implant is positioned and that it should NOT be moved.
Yes. Invisalign has nothing to do with implants. However, you cannot expect a restored implant tooth to move at all if that was the proposed plan within the Invisalign treatment. But you can move teeth with Invisalign BEFORE restoring any particular implant tooth.
Yes, but the implant will not move. So it becomes a work around
Yes. However, your dentist will specify to Invisalign that the implant tooth should not be moved at all.
The short answer is yes, if the implant has already healed. Part of the planning for your treatment is to indicate which teeth cannot be moved. This includes implants, certain crown and bridge restorations & teeth which are fused to the bone (ankylosed).