Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Can you wear contacts with a lazy eye?

I am a 21 year old male. I want to know can you wear contacts with a lazy eye?

13 Answers

Yes, you can wear contacts with lazy eyes but a complete examination should be done by your doctor in order to determine if you are elegible.
Yes , you can
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The short answer is yes. The long answer is, if your eye doctor said it will help you see, sure. If you want to change your eye color with cosmetic contacts, and your eye doctor is ok with prescribing it for that purpose, fine. If it won't help you see better, nor are you trying to change your eye color, then why bother?
If the eye has no other pathology than amblyopia (lazy eye), a contact lens could be prescribed by an eye care specialist. Please note the contact lens will only improve vision to the same level as glasses in the amblyopic eye. However, if there is a significant prescription difference between the non lazy eye and the lazy eye, contacts can provide less visual strain or discomfort/fatigue than glasses. Seek professional consult with an eye care specialist.

“Lazy eye” is a lay term which covers a variety of different ophthalmic and visual disorders, but in and of itself does not preclude the use of contact lenses. Fitting, prescribing, dispensing and monitoring contact lens use is done via evaluation and management by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist, and one may appoint to see either for assessment of candidacy for contact lens use.
Contacts are fine with a lazy eye.

Alan J. Franklin, MD, PhD
Yes, you can.
Yes. You can wear a contact lens with a lazy eye. However, if you have underlying amblyopia, the contact may not fully improve your vision.
Yes. SO