Radiation Oncologist Questions Cancer Chemotherapy

Is chemotherapy advisable for my father?

My father is 74 years old and has been diagnosed with blood cancer. He has become extremely weak and the doctors have advised chemotherapy to start for him. Given his age and other medical conditions would you recommend us to start chemotherapy for him? I am very nervous of the side effects.

3 Answers

I would recommend to try. Your father's weakness might be related to the blood cancer. Blood cancer usually is very sensitive to chemotherapy. As a result of treatment, your father's condition may improve.
You should discuss his situation with his oncologist and ask questions like what the benefits and risks of chemotherapy are for your dad. Good oncologists are always willing to discuss with the patient and family.
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It is best to talk to your oncologist if you are comfortable with him/her. Every patient is different and a good honest oncologist will provide a satisfactory answer.