Oncologist Questions hemoglobin

What medicines can be taken during chemotherapy to enhance hemoglobin levels?

I am undergoing chemotherapy for my breast cancer. My hemoglobin levels are constantly low and it makes me very tired. What medicines can I take to enhance these levels?

1 Answer

Hello. Anemia is a common side effect of chemotherapy administration. However it is important to have a diagnosis as to why the anemia exists. It is important to ask your doctor about the reason for the anemia to be present. Your doctor needs to do the correct testing. It could be one of the other medications you’re taking along with the chemotherapy that could be a factor. If your doctor is convinced that the reason for the anemia is the chemotherapy a drug called erythropoietin or Avastin can be used to stimulate the red blood cell production from the bone marrow. But it is important to know the exact reason for the anemia to exist.