Chiropractor Questions

Can a chiropractor help me with my SI joint pain?

I am suffering from SI joint pain. Can a chiropractor help me with the same?

14 Answers

Yes, of course. A chiropractor can help you with your Sacroiliac joint pain.

Dr. Majed Nagoulat, Chiropractor
Absolutely chiropractors are musculoskeletal specialist. I would suggest seeing a chiropractor to start screening and properly diagnosing the condition
Usually SI pain is caused by a shifted SI joint. But it can also be because of referred pain. The chiropractor will have to make the differential diagnoisis.
Chiropractic is very good and effective treatment for SI pain.
Only restoring the proper motion to an SI joint that is out of alignment will fix that problem. Chiropractors are experts at doing this.
Absolutely! Chiropractors adjust the bones/joints in the spine and body to improve nerve function. If your SI joint is stuck and not moving properly, the nerves will tell you all about it (which is where the pain comes in). By getting adjusted, the joint will move more freely, relieving pain, and allow the nerves to communicate properly between the brain and body so your body can heal the underlying cause.
Yes, it is what we do.
Chiropractors absolutely effectively treat SI joint pain. I question what exact symptoms you're getting to state you have SI joint pain. That's rare for someone to differentiate without being evaluated by a physician first. However, with SI joint pain, the main cause of this is also what is known as Lower Cross Syndrome, which is just a fancy term to the muscle imbalance of the muscles that pull on your pelvis. Special considerations need to be made for the patients current scenario such that I would not treat SI joint pain the same for a 8 month pregnant patient vs a steel worker who had fell off a scaffolding. Get an evaluation by a chiropractor and ensure that they evaluate and treat the muscle imbalances.
As with most conditions, symptoms vary from person to person. It’s common for SI joint dysfunction to present with low back pain or pain in the buttocks. Pain can radiate down the leg or even into the front of the thigh, but generally not past the knee. SI joint pain can mimic many other causes of low back pain. Chiropractors are experts at determining the source of spine pain in patients -- and caring for them, too!

Through an adjustment, chiropractors help restore motion in the SI joint and/or associated joints contributing to the problem. I’ve found that SI joint dysfunction typically responds well to chiropractic care and that pain relief can occur quickly after an adjustment. The exact treatment duration and intensity will depend on the person, their lifestyle and the degree of the subluxation.


Dr. Martin
Yes this is a common complaint that all chiropractors can fix.
Yes. SI joint pain is the result of joint fixation (loss of normal motion). Chiropractic manipulation to increase mobilization is very effective.
Yes sacral-iliac joints can have many causes such as: trauma, misaligned spine, after giving birth and leg length differences. Chiropractic spinal adjustment will realign your SI joints and provide balance between the two joints true enhancing healing.
Sacroiliac joint pain ranges from mild to severe depending on the extent and cause of injury. Acute SI joint pain occurs suddenly and usually heals within several days to weeks. Chronic SI joint pain persists for more than three months; it may be felt all the time or worsen with certain activities. For patients with lower back or buttock pain that stems from the sacroiliac joint, a variety of chiropractic procedures can be applied and are often considered the first line of treatment.
Yes, if it's a Chiropractic case