“My daughter is having cleft lip correction surgery. Are there any risks involved with this procedure?”
My daughter was born with a cleft lip. She is now 6 months old and has been scheduled for cleft lip correction surgery. Are there any risks that I should be concerned about with this procedure?
1 Answer
Regarding the surgery itself, cleft lip repair is typically very straight forward. There is very little blood loss and the recovery is typically very fast. There is initial swelling of the upper lip but this resolves over a few days. Like with any surgery, there is risk of an infection or partial separation of the incision at the site of surgery. However, this is very uncommon.
There are risks related to the anesthesia and this should be reviewed with the anesthesiologist before the surgery is performed.
There are risks related to the anesthesia and this should be reviewed with the anesthesiologist before the surgery is performed.