Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Common Cold

How do I know if it's only a cold or something serious?

My daughter often ends up with a viral cold when the seasons change. However, how can I tell if it is only a cold or something serious?

2 Answers

Thank you for the question. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. However, if your daughter has these symptoms plus a fever over 100.4 degrees, diffuse muscle aches, a productive cough, weakness, or additional symptoms to her usual list, then it is time to go to see the doctor.
Viruses vs bacteria. Not only can they cause similar symptoms but many illnesses—like pneumonia, meningitis and diarrhea—can be caused by either

Your doctor a medical history and physical exam. The doctor may order blood or urine tests to decide.

Most doctors consider four things when faced with a virus vs. bacteria question:

Have a fever?
Been sick long?
What color is it? While green or yellow mucus can be a sign of a bacterial infection
What’s your throat look like? White spots can be a sign of bacteria. A sore throat without other cold symptoms can be strep throat, which absolutely requires antibiotics.