“My son is complaining of pain while urinating. Could it be a UTI?”
My son has been complaining of pain while passing urine. Could it be a UTI?
3 Answers
Yes it could be aUTI. Does he strain to void? Is there any burning sensation? Any fever? A urine sample should be sent for culture and sensitivity. Constipation should be ruled out and is best done by a trans abdominal ultrasound of the pelvis which is a non-invasive quick procedure. Constipation is a frequent cause of UTI and recurrences can be prevented by adequately managing the chronic constipation when it is present.
Your son may have a UTI thus a urinalysis is recommended. Alternatively, might high have urethral metal stenosis (narrowing of urinary opening).
Painful urination in a boy may not necessary caused by UTI, unless there is a positive urine culture that showed bacterial infection. Other causes can be meatal stenosis, bladder spasm from prolong holding, high acidic urine from dehydration etc. A good physical examine and urine analysis may reveal the cause. thank you