Councelor/Therapist Questions Low self esteem

Can a counselor help in treating my daughter's introvert nature?

My daughter is extremely uncomfortable in a social group. She is very introverted, which makes her also have low self esteem. Could a counselor help her gain the confidence that she needs?

3 Answers

Many children today are introverts because of technology. However, the way to overcome is to talk to her and find out her likes and dislikes. Possibly, enroll her in dance classes or get a gym membership with her so she can meet people
Yes there are therapies that will teach your daughter how to be comfortable with social inter action. Some of us are extroverts some introverts. Some of us are a combination and the there are people who are the outliers. Identifying the issue some say is half the battle. However, change is the real battle. Therapy can help her change from an extramarital introvert to gradually becoming comfortable socially, if she is willing to put effort into changing. Therapy has been successful in helping people understand, identify needs, and fears of the unknown and misconceptions of fears. She may never become extroverted but with help she may become more socially comfortable.

Thank you for your question. Yes, a counselor can help your daughter in learning coping skills for being an introvert, having low self-esteem, and practicing new social skills.


Jenna Torres, PsyD