Neurologist Questions Neurology

ct scan

Im having no specific problem. my question concerns CT scans versus colonoscopies. Ive had 2 abdominal ct scans with contrast in the past 9 years. It was for blood in my urine (kidney stone). They said there was no wall thickening of my colon or any other abnormalies - just some diverticulosis. My question is: Does having a scan with contrast just as good as having a colonoscopy? Do I need to continue to check? I am a 71 year old male. Non smoker and non drinker with no cancer in my family. My family phsician has said in the past that he has seen multiple bowel perforations with a colonoscopy.

Male | 71 years old

1 Answer

If the CT scan showed diverticulosis the more reason to consider a colonoscopy. This procedure done in expert hands is extremely safe and the information it offers ( not to mention the therapeutic benefits, like being able to remove concerning diverticulae that may be pre-malignant ) is second to none. You have to consider the findings of the CT along with your past medical history and family history as well.