Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Dark urine

Can dark yellow urine be a sign of a kidney problem?

My urine is dark yellow in color. Could it be an indication of a kidney problem or something else? The reason why this is concerning me is because I usually drink a lot of water throughout the day.

6 Answers

Yes or not drinking enough water
Dark urine usually means not enough water. You should get liver function checked
Maybe, so get your urine tested.
Dark yellow urine may be the result of a variety of different factors including, but not limited to, dehydration, or injesting some medications such as multivitamins. You could see your primary doctor to have a simple urinalysis done which may clarify the issue.
As long as you are not dehydrated, there could be some concern related to dark urine. If it's dark brownish red, then yes, there could be blood in urine or concern for glomerular disorder. If it's dark yellow, then it could be that your bilirubin is high due to liver issues. You should get your labs checked.