“My daughter keeps getting UTIs. Is this a sign of a kidney issue?”
It seems like every few months that my daughter is getting a UTI, and she's only 13 years old. I'm worried that this could be a much deeper issue than just a UTI. Could reoccurring UTIs be a sign of an issue with her kidney?
2 Answers
Fortunately, most girls with recurrent UTIs have do not have a kidney problem unless UTI is accompanied by fever. Needs kidney & bladder ultrasound plus VCUG (bladder X-Ray with X-ray contrast (dye) if fever present with UTIs. In any case preventative measures should be used, these include: 1) Treat & prevent constipation, 2) Shower rather than taking baths, also never ever use bubble-bath, 3) Cotton underpants, 4) pull pants down to ankles & separate thighs with urination, this prevents urine trapping by closed labia, 5) Cranberry juice is a good UTI preventative as it reduces bacterial adherence to bladder wall.