“Can diabetes cause heart complications?”
Can my high sugar levels lead to cardiac abnormalities and complications?
4 Answers
Yes, one of the main causes of heart disease in the United States is having diabetes. It is important to maintain good diabetes control to lower risk of heart problems.
Mark Rasak
Yes, it's a major cause for coronary artery disease.
Good question. High blood sugars have a significant impact on your entire body, including your heart. improved with good blood sugar control but not eliminated. The major damage from persistently high blood sugars is caused by deposition of the sugar in your microvasculature, your blood cells and your kidney filtration system. Your eyes and extremities take a major hit with uncontrolled blood sugars which leads to death of or peripheral nervous system causing blindness, cataracts, peripheral nerve pain, foot deformities and frequently amputations. Your kidneys become no longer capable of filtering your blood effectively leading to a large amount of protein loss and kidney failure which is a common cause of dialysis. Your blood cells lose function and are no longer capable of fighting infections and your blood vessels are no longer capable of delivering blood products or antibiotics to damaged areas of the body leading to serious infection and amputation. The main cause of heart attacks comes from plaque deposition in your vessels which is worse with uncontrolled blood sugar but larger vessel disease causing heart attacks hasn't been directly correlated to poor blood sugar control. I can go on forever on this topic, but needless to say, it is extremely important to control your diabetes by practicing a good complex carbohydrate diet and being compliant with the medications required to maintain a blood sugar typically ranging from 100-140. If you already have significant medical issues your blood sugar control doesn't need to be as tight because of your increased 10 year mortality.
Hope this helps,
Jack Stephens
Hope this helps,
Jack Stephens
YES!! There is hard data that high blood sugar causes eye damage, kidney damage, and nerve damage (microvascular disease). The data for large vessel damage (heart disease & stroke) is less sure, but are accumulating that high blood sugar does affect the blood vessels of the heart & brain. So, keep your BS in control & don't tempt fate!