“Are diabetics at a higher risk for developing cataracts?”
My mother is a diabetic who has had problems with her vision for her whole life. Is she at a high risk for developing cataracts?
10 Answers

Jason Randall Smith
Here is a good website to review. Yes, she is at risk for cataracts not only because of the diabetes, but also due to the aging eye. She should also have her retinas checked with a dilated examination because she may be at risk for background diabetic retinopathy. She should be under the care of an eye doctor who will determine how often she should be seen, as well as to check her eye pressures. It is always better to evaluate any problems as early as possible.
Here is a good website to review. Yes, she is at risk for cataracts not only because of the diabetes, but also due to the aging eye. She should also have her retinas checked with a dilated examination because she may be at risk for background diabetic retinopathy. She should be under the care of an eye doctor who will determine how often she should be seen, as well as to check her eye pressures. It is always better to evaluate any problems as early as possible.
Thank you for your concern about your mother’s vision. The quick answer is yes, patients who are Diabetic for many years or if A1-c is uncontrolled are at higher risk of developing cataracts early. But if your mother keeps her blood sugar under control and keeps her A1-c level 7.0 or below may develop cataracts at the normal rate of 65 and older. Yearly eye exams are very important to monitor for other complications of diabetes such as retinal hemorrhaging which unfortunately can be sight-threatening if left untreated. But don’t be too worried about mature cataracts. Cataract surgery has one of the very best rates of satisfaction and also has the potential to improve quality of life. Some of my patients chose distance-only lens implants which insurance covers and then they only use over-the-counter readers. Other patients chose to upgrade with multifocal implants and thus they only occasionally wear eyeglasses after their cataracts are removed.
Diabetics are at greater risk for developing cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Eventually, everyone will develop cataracts if they live long enough but diabetics will develop them earlier. Make sure your mom gets a diabetic eye exam annually.
To answer your question, yes. If you are diabetic and not controlled, you do have a higher risk of getting cataracts sooner than later.
Yes. The lens inside the eye is one of the few structures in the body that can suck up extra blood sugar and release it as the blood sugar goes up and down. This speeds up cataract formation.
Yes, diabetic patients are at a higher risk for developing cataract and glaucoma in case of involvement of the retina, is called diabetic retinopathy.