“Did my son pull or tear a leg muscle?”
My 12-year-old son hurt himself while playing basketball about a month ago. I thought that it was just sore so I didn't really do anything, other than tell him to put some ice on it. He did that, but he's still in pain. Could it be possible that he pulled or tore his leg muscle while playing?
5 Answers
That is a very difficult question to answer with those facts. First, by leg I assume you mean below the knee and not the thigh which is above the knee. Second, did your son remember injuring himself while playing basketball and what was the mechanism. Is her swelling or bruising. Does he have pain at rest. It is less common for children with open growth plates to pull muscles. They more frequently injure the muscle attachment to the bone or the apophysis. Sometimes even pull the bone off. If he is still limping a month later, he should be seen and evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon.
It depends on several factors: how did the injury occur, what makes the pain worse, what makes the pain better, and how much pain is there in the region? The best thing is to go and get it checked out. Pediatric injuries can impact growth and development so you don't want to take injuries lightly. Plus, minor injuries are rare in pediatrics and if he is in that much discomfort, he may have hurt himself more than you think. Find a great sports physical therapist and/or physician to get him evaluated.