“Is there a difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?”
What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? I know a psychiatrist is able to prescribe medication, but is this the only difference?
13 Answers
A psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the brain. A psychologist is not a physician.
C Marlo Baird
Medical School and training in psychotherapy and medication management, vs Theory and therapy without medical school.
There is very little difference between the two degrees. It depends more on the individuals training and philosophy of treatment than the degree.
You are right - prescribing is a major difference. However, it is important to know the background of either one because there are big differences in training depending on what you are looking for. Many professionals are on a website like LinkedIn where you can see their backgrounds and what they specialize in.
Tony Stanton, M.D.
Tony Stanton, M.D.
A psychiatrist is first trained as a physician. Then there is a 4-year period of training in in-patient and out-patient therapy. A psychologist has a masters or a Phd from a university or another training program.
A PhD psychologist has a college degree and usually 4 years of post-grad training. They study mental health, illness, and various treatments. They also study a fair amount of statistics, as many of them work in research areas. Most ppl with a clinical degree do a one-year internship working under supervision. A few places allow psychologists to prescribe some medications. Some psychologists are ABPP certified in a specialty area. A Psychiatrist has a college degree, four years of Medical school, and four years of post-graduate training. They then do four years of residency training in General Psychiatry, and a year or more in specialty areas. Since they are MD's, they have the same training as a general practitioner and can prescribe medications for medical problems as well as psychiatric.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors. We write medications, but occasionally diagnose medical illness and refer. Recently, I had an anxious oaten who thought his tench aches were a new symptom of anxiety, but I suspected parasites and I turned out to be right. Some psychiatrists only do pharmacology. Others (myself included) are highly trained in psychotherapy. Psychologists are PHDs who go through a grueling training in research, typically in addition to psychotherapy training of various types.
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor like any other specialist (cardiologist, internist, neurologist, surgeon, etc), so they first go through college, then medical school, followed by a one-year internship. After internship each specialty has Residency training, including Psychiatry Residency. So psychiatrists do have training in all of medicine the same as other doctors. I, for one, worked as a GP for several years. Up until 25 years ago psychiatry residency training was half psychopharmacology and half psychotherapy. Now, psychiatry residencies are almost entirely lacking in psychotherapy training. Psychologists, like psychiatrists, finish college. They then get either doctorate degrees (PhD and PsyD) or masters degrees. Their training is heavily on the psychotherapy side. Many also have a great deal of training in complex Neuro-Psychological Testing.
To become a Psychiatrist, it requires 4 years of Medical school training, 1 year of Internship, and minimum 3 years of Residency.
Thus, Psychiatrist has deep understanding of body and mind, and can order all needed Lab tests, diagnose medical and psychiatric illnesses; prescribe medications, and thoroughly collaborate with other Physicians and Specialists for the care of the patient.
Psychologist does not have Medical school Education including clinical care and 3 years of Residency including clinical care of the patients.
Thus, Psychiatrist has deep understanding of body and mind, and can order all needed Lab tests, diagnose medical and psychiatric illnesses; prescribe medications, and thoroughly collaborate with other Physicians and Specialists for the care of the patient.
Psychologist does not have Medical school Education including clinical care and 3 years of Residency including clinical care of the patients.
Psychiatrist is a medical doctor and therefore prescribes medication, while a psychologist is not a doctor but have done their bachelors or masters in psychology.
Psychologists provide the psychotherapy and do psychometric testing, if required, but do not prescribe medications. Psychiatrists can provide psychotherapy and medication treatment both.
Jan Fawcett
A psychiatrist has been trained as a medical physician and should be able to diagnose medical problems causing psychological problems such as hypothyroidism causing low drive or a brain tumor causing symptoms. A psychologist has been trained to do various types of psychotherapy or "talking therapy." A psychiatrist has been trained to do both.