Colon & Rectal Surgeon Questions Colon and Rectal Surgeon

Diverticulitis ongoing and very painful?

I have been getting bouts of diverticulitis more frequently in the last six months. I have suffered from it for 25 years. I am Male, 69 years. It is much more frequent now and I am passing blood. The pain is very bad and I have been given Oralmorph. Antibiotics make me feel ill. I have been in pain all night.

Male | 69 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Oralmorph
Conditions: Diverticulitis

5 Answers

You should get a CT right away and see if there is a drainage procedure that could help. Sounds like you meet criteria for elective sigmoid resection in the future
Have your sigmoid colon removed via robotic or. Laparoscopy. Avoid future constipation
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With recurrent attacks you need to see a colorectal surgeon for surgical consultation. Having said that blood per rectum usually does not occur with diverticulitis and other causes need to be ruled out such as colitis. With your symptoms I would strongly recommend to see a specialist. The standard treatment for recurrent attacks is surgical resection.
Looks like you may have reached the point where surgery is required. Given the frequency and intensity of these flares, I would highly consider surgical intervention. You need to consult with a colorectal surgeon to discuss your surgical options. I hope this is helpful.
Diverticulitis is an infection or inflammation of pouches that can form in your intestines. Diverticulitis can occur anywhere in the intestine but usually occurs in the sigmoid colon. Diverticulitis can cause uncomfortable symptoms and in some cases, serious complications. If left untreated, these complications can cause long-term health problems. When patients present with increased frequency of attacks and worsening of symptoms, it would be imperative that they follow up with their primary care physicians or go to the emergency room.