“Do braces change your face shape?”
I am a 22 year old female. I want to know if braces change your face shape?
6 Answers
At age 22 facial growth is complete except for minor modifications such as lip prominence or lip incompetence and broadening the arch to show more teeth when smiling. Surgical procedures in conjunction with orthodontic treatment can make significant changes to the face. These are all good questions to resolve with your orthodontist before starting treatment so that your expectations are known.
The purpose of braces is to place each tooth in the proper position. If you see any positive results in the way you look that is your bonus.
While you are under brace TREATMENT any habits you may have ie. Tongue THRUSTING, you are told how to correct it. Keeping your teeth clean while under treatment is a must.
While you are under brace TREATMENT any habits you may have ie. Tongue THRUSTING, you are told how to correct it. Keeping your teeth clean while under treatment is a must.
Congratulations on being interested in your wellbeing. You ask a very important question. The cheeks and lips are supported by the teeth. Move the teeth and you change the support. This does not necessarily change the face SHAPE. Examples: Extracting teeth to make room could decrease support. Expanding arch width could increase support. Using functional orthodontics to move the lower jaw forward could allow for a more prominent chin. Copy and paste the following for more information: www.aafo.org
You can also find very complete and easy to understand information in the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC. Read the chapter on orthodontics. While it is easier to accomplish the goals of functional orthodontics in a growing child, the goals can be accomplished at your age as well. Do yourself a favor and secure a copy of the above book.
You can also find very complete and easy to understand information in the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC. Read the chapter on orthodontics. While it is easier to accomplish the goals of functional orthodontics in a growing child, the goals can be accomplished at your age as well. Do yourself a favor and secure a copy of the above book.
It depends on how much tooth movement is required. Facial profiles can change (improve) with tooth movement and is usually anticipated as part of the treatment plan.