“Do braces correct overbites?”
I am a 26 year old male and I have a serious overbite. Do braces correct overbites?
6 Answers
Generally yes but the degree of movement required has limitations. In most cases an improvement in overbite / overjet can be expected but sometimes surgery in conjunction with orthodontics is required.
Yes, an orthodontist is a the place to correct overbites. Make sure you get your teeth cleaned and are cavity free before you start.
Yes. Orthodontics is the Dental specialty dealing with the correction/treatment of malocclusions (bad bite). Depending os the severity of your particular malocclusion, various treatment recommendations will be made. Make sure to see a orthodontist (specialist), NOT a general dentist who has some training in orthodontics.
The quick answer is YES. An overbite is the most common type of malocclusion that we see. It might have been easier when you were 9 or 10 years old but it probably can be accomplished. I wrote probably because you may have other issues that could preclude the best outcome. See your dentist and orthodontist for an evaluation and they can give you all the details.