“Do braces move your teeth every day?”
I am a 22 year old female and I want to get braces. Do braces move your teeth every day?
10 Answers
Yes, braces induce a constant force, so they are moving your teeth all the time. Good luck.
Dr. Cyril Tahtadjian
Dr. Cyril Tahtadjian
Best to get a consultation with an orthodontist. You ask good questions. Yes braces move teeth but we want them to be moved very very slowly so as not to lose bone. One of my patient had a dentist move her teeth too fast and she has very short roots now. Choose an good orthodontists. Check their reviews.
Yes, most braces move the teeth every day, depending on the braces, wires, and appliances being used, until the active forces become inactive. That is why you go in to see your orthodontist for a new wire, or a retie of the elastic ligatures or chains, or an adjustment of the wires or appliance periodically, which activates the forces again, and continues to move your teeth. At first, the activation can cause discomfort, which is usually taken care of with Tylenol or Advil. However, once the teeth are set in motion, the discomfort level drops dramatically, and you are able to proceed with your orthodontic treatment with little or no discomfort. Call your local orthodontist for a consultation and begin your journey toward an amazing, life-changing smile today!
Daniel A. Flores, DDS, MS
Daniel A. Flores, DDS, MS
Sub clinically there probably is some movement each day. After a while the movement becomes less and less if somebody does not go for
In general yes, the pressure of the arch-wire is gently released on the tooth causing it to move slowly. Occasionally Orthodontists will use certain wires to prevent teeth from moving, the ability to create the movement of teeth only when and where it is desired is the key to good orthodontics.
Braces move the teeth every day until each wire has done all it is programmed to do. This is generally between 4 and 8 weeks depending on the wire used and the degree of misalignment of the teeth.
Yes! Braces move your teeth at a fairly constant rate at all times. Every hour of every day.
Dr. Colin Gibson
Dr. Colin Gibson