Dentist Questions Dental Implants

Do dental implants ever fall out?

I'm going to have dental implants placed in about two weeks. But I'm kinda worried with how successful this procedure really is. Is it possible for my implants to fall out? If it is, how can I prevent them from falling out?

13 Answers

Yes. It is possible for dental imlpants to come out. They are subject to peri-implant disease which is the implant variation of periodontal disease (gum disease). It is different because implants are different than and secured different than teeth. Prevention is very similar to prevention of periodontal disease. Floss brush, regular visits to your dentist for check ups and preventive care.
Yes, but it is not common that they fail. Best to listen to directions from the dental surgeon and follow them closely.
Dental implants today have been almost perfected. Using an excellent lab and reputable dentist who uses quality materials and does not try to rush the procedures, should keep you from any problems.
Almost never. After the initial 4-6 months of bone adhesion, when first placed, they should last a lifetime. If cared for properly at home and with regular visits to have them checked at your dental office.
95% success rate. If maintenance is fine and done properly, it may survive over 35 years
A dental implant is a foreign body being placed into your body. As with any foreign body, the body will attempt to force it out. Dental implants have been around for decades and the research shows their success rated to be as good as, if not slightly better than, endodontic treatment at this time. To prevent them from falling out provide an adequate health history to your surgeon, make sure to brush and floss as directed, follow your surgeons instructions and don't smoke. Smoking is the leading cause of implant failure.
An implant can always fail due to bone loss or infection. It is unlikely to just fall out. Initially, there will be symptoms of soreness and/or pain and you may feel some movement. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your dentist immediately.
Dear patient,

Implant failure is possible. Before placing implants, your dentist should do a 3D scan and evaluate bone strength and do a bone graft to avoid any complications.
Dental implants can fail. What does this mean? The gum and bone surrounding the implant can become chronically inflamed, which leads to bone loss. It loosens to the point of requiring removal.
They don’t fall off if the patient’s health and oral hygiene is good and the proper placement techniques are followed.
Dental Implants don't "fall out," but they can become loose due to inflammation of the supporting tissues. The inflammatory process can be caused from poor oral hygiene or systemic disease or traumatic occlusion among the most common causes. Regular check-ups and diligence with home care without other health problems usually results in long-term success.
I’m excited for you to get your implants as they are the best way to replace missing teeth currently. Although implants have gotten more predictable and success rates are high, implant failure is still possible unfortunately. Most important aspect of a successful and long lasting implants is a healthy bone. As long as the procedure is done properly and correctly, and you take good care of it with proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings, it should not be a huge issue. It will be worth all the efforts!