Dentist Questions Tooth implant

Do dental implants last forever?

I need to have a dental implant surgery next week for my missing front tooth, on the bottom. Do implants last forever?

3 Answers

Implants are the longest lasting restoration. That said, they still need to be cleaned, daily at home and several times a year by the dental office. They should also be checked annually to be sure they are not biting too hard. (Teeth move, implants do not, the bite can change.) If you take good care of them, they should last. They will NEVER get cavities.
They can last for many years forever is a long time. It is based on your health and your bone quality and how well you maintain them they can also get periodontal disease just like a tooth if your home care is poor

Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
No. Forever is a long time. Ask your dentist for possible complication which include implantitis and possible rejection of the implant. The esthetics of the implant restoration may change necessitating a remake. Also oral hygiene, if you smoke or if your diabetic are some examples of factors that will determine your long term success of your implant.