“Do diabetics need more sleep?”
I was diagnosed with diabetes last year and am now 27. I feel very tired a majority of the time, and I'm not really sure why it's happening. Could this be due to my diabetes?
3 Answers
Yes, if it’s uncontrolled. A lot of diabetes patients also have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
If you are obese or you snore your fatigue could be related to sleep apnea. You may need to discuss that with your pcp or see a sleep specialist if you are concerned
That's hard to say. It is known that lack of sleep & sleep disorders can help to cause or make worse diabetes. Whether the diabetes can cause lack of sleep is not known. Certainly lack of sleep can make you feel tired as can poorly controlled diabetes. With the latter, there is not enough energy getting into the cell to burn so you feel tired. I would do 2 things: 1) First I would look at your diabetes control & be sure blood sugars are normal or near normal & HbA1c is in a safe range. Also document low BS. 2) see a sleep therapist. They will do some tests & see if you have sleep apnea or other sleep problems. These problems can be treated. So see your physician asap & get tested.