“Do light periods indicate pregnancy?”
I know this question sounds strange, but I heard that it's possible to have a very light period in the beginning of your pregnancy. Is it possible, if your period is abnormally light, that you are pregnant?
6 Answers
Yes, it is possible to have spotting or a light or even regular period in early pregnancy (at the time when your period would have been due had you not conceived) BUT NO, having short, light periods do not indicate pregnancy.
It is that some times can have mild bleeding ,even though, you are pregnant. That actually is abnormal bleeding, rather than normal period.
Light periods do not necessarily indicated pregnancy. There can be several reasons from hormonal to medication, to just having light cycles in general.
Doug Young, MD
Doug Young, MD
Usually not, the best way to determine if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. There can be bleeding in pregnancy, but it could be a sing of a tubal pregnancy or a miscarriage so if you have a positive pregnancy test and bleeding, see a doctor ASAP.
When you are pregnant in your first trimester, some women have spotting(light bleeding) due to implantation. Where as the other way around may not be true, if you have light bleeding, it does not mean you are pregnant.
Take care and stay healthy!
Take care and stay healthy!