“Do nose jobs hurt for weeks?”
I am a 26 year old female. I want to have a nose job. Do nose jobs hurt for weeks?
6 Answers
Pain after the nose job usually only lasts for a couple of days and is usually easily controlled by medication. Swelling, however, can last weeks and even months, but the worst swelling is usually gone within 1 to 2 weeks.
Good luck.
Good luck.
There should be relatively little pain after the first few days. There may be some modest discomfort or tenderness, as well as numbnes in some areas, for weeks after. You should be fully functional and comfortable in 4 weeks or so.
Our patients experience little to no pain. Usually, Tylenol is all that is needed along with iced compresses.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
William B. Rosenblatt, M.D.
Surprisingly most patients say that rhinoplasty surgery is relatively painless. Nine out of 10 patients tell me that they did not take their pain med at all or they only took it the first day then not after that. One would expect that it would be painful but apparently most patients find that it is not. There is some stuffiness and some discomfort to be sure. There is more discomfort if septal work is done and a packing is used. But in a straightforward rhinoplasty without a packing 90% of patients say that it is not painful
Not necessarily. If the procedure is done correctly, by a board certified physician whose speciality is doing nasal surgery it is more likely much less. You have to follow the post operative orders. There may be packing and a plaster cast. Removal of the packing gives relief. This may be in two to three days.
Most patients after rhinoplasty do not complain of significant pain. There is normally some tenderness for about 6 weeks since that is the time required for bone healing. Rhinoplasty surgery renders the soft tissue with reduced sensitivity, so pain is naturally suppressed until sensory nerves recover (about 2 months).
McKay McKinnon, M.D.
McKay McKinnon, M.D.