“Do stretch marks go away on your hands?”
I am a 48 year old female. I want to know if stretch marks go away on your hands?
4 Answers
No stretch mark ever goes away 100%. We do have laser machines and creams which aid in decreasing their appearance by 50%-70%.
This is an unusual place to be complaining of stretch marks. Are you sure? If so, the usual therapies of topical applications and possible surgical improvement. If these are stretch marks,
you will always have some evidence of this, like forever.
you will always have some evidence of this, like forever.
Stretch marks imply rupture of elastic fibers in the dermis. You may want to be assessed by a dermatologist to evaluate the condition. In any case, IPL, microneedling and laser, provide very useful procedures to treat these conditions and improve appearance.
Good luck!
Good luck!