Dentist Questions Root Canal

Do they put you to sleep for a root canal?

I'm 24, and I need to have a root canal next week. I never had this procedure done before, so I don't know what to expect. Will I be put to sleep?

7 Answers

A root canal can usually be done while the patient is awake. However, in rare instances, if the patient is extremely apprehensive, a second doctor (anesthesiologist) may be able to put you to sleep before you have the root canal.
The root canal therapy is routine procedure and does not required general anesthesia or IV sedation. Most people responding well for local anesthesia. During the root canal procedure doctor making some X-rays and that is uncomfortable to do it with general anesthesia or with IV sedation.
Typically you will not be out under for this. You will be anesthetized so as to not feel any pain, however, you will remain awake for this procedure.
It is not normal protocol to be “put to sleep” for a root canal. The anesthesia that is normally administered is what would be given when a filling is needed. Although, if a patient is very apprehensive, it can be requested.
Most probably not. Root canals are done way differently now and just need local anesthesia. It's like getting a filling done just takes little more time.
In most cases, root canals are completed with just anesthesia. If you have severe anxiety, however, you can have your root canal completed with nitrous oxide sedation, oral sedation or IV sedation.

Nitrous oxide sedation is the least expensive way to have sedation. After your sedation dental visit is completed, the sedation is quickly reversible and you are able to drive yourself home or back to work. With oral sedation or IV sedation, you will need a ride home and someone to stay with you.

Oral sedation is more economical than IV sedation and does not involve an IV needle in your arm. It is a deeper sedation than nitrous oxide, but does not reach the deeper level of IV sedation. You will need a ride home and someone to watch you with oral sedation.

IV sedation is the gold standard for sedation and offers the most profound sedation. Some people call it sleep dentistry.
All my patients fall asleep during root canals.