Surgeon Questions surgeon

Do you have to stay overnight in the hospital after gallbladder surgery?

I am a 59 year old male and I will have gallbladder surgery. Do you have to stay overnight in the hospital after gallbladder surgery?

5 Answers

Majority of laparoscopic surgery for gallbladder done as outpatients and they go home 4 hours after surgery
Sometimes, depending on what happened during the Surgery and your comobidities.
I have always kept a patent over night to make sure everything is alright. I wish you well. oledochouse
No. Typically these are performed as outpatient surgeries.
If you have a scheduled procedure, that can be done as an outpatient. If you have to come into the hospital via the ER and do not get to go home before surgery, you will likely spend at least one night in the hospital after your surgery.