“Does a stye in a child need an antibiotic?”
My daughter has a stye in her eye. She is just 4 years old. Does it require an antibiotic treatment?
10 Answers
A stye is an infection of a lash follicle on the lid margin, a chalazion is an infection of a meibomian gland in the eyelid, and the two are often confused. Both should be treated, especially in a young child because if it interferes with the child seeing well, the brain can "turn off" the blurry eye and it can become lazy.
Start with warm compresses to liquefy and soften the center, and then use an eyelid scrub such as Ocusoft to clean the lids, and get to an eye MD so they can prescribe an antibiotic as needed.
Start with warm compresses to liquefy and soften the center, and then use an eyelid scrub such as Ocusoft to clean the lids, and get to an eye MD so they can prescribe an antibiotic as needed.
Usually not. We generally recommend using a wet paper towel with some no tear shampoo and scrubbing along the eye lash line. Styes are usually caused by a clogged gland. By scrubbing along the eyelash line many times you are able to dislodge anything clogging the pore and the stye generally resolves. If it isn't getting better after several days then I would consider seeing a doctor. Good luck.
A stye can usually be treated with arm compresses about every 2 hours for at least a week. Also, keeping the eye clean. Styes often recur in the same area. If the eye itself looks red or there is discharge then a doctor visit is recommended.
See an eye doctor. It can be serious if it spreads deeper. Antibiotics and incision are possible treatments.
If the whole eyelid is not red and there is just a new bump and it’s soft, you should try warm compresses every 3 hours. If this makes it drain, you do not need antibiotics. If it is red across the lid, it could be a cellulitis, which can become serious and does require antibiotics.
Most eye care specialists would use an antibiotic drop or ointment for a stye.
Best regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
Best regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.