Dentist Questions Dentist

Does dental bonding protect teeth?

I am a 22 year old male. I want to know if dental bonding protects teeth?

4 Answers

Dental bonding can protect teeth if used to restore decay, as far as cosmetic dentistry it is used to restore chips which again can protect teeth. Be aware that the dental bonding can stain or chip in future vs the counter part porcelain veneer restoration. for more information on dental bonding please click here:
Yes if you have attrition of enamel erosion
Bonding can protect teeth but only if applied very carefully and precisely. Any material attached to a tooth will alter the ecology of the tooth; meaning that the surface where the material, bonding, crown, filling is will not be a smooth as the intact tooth. This area where the tooth and other material meet is called the " margin". These areas will require extra care for the treatment that has been rendered to succeed.
Bonding is a powerful process that Dentistry has very successfully used to save many previously un savable teeth.