Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Does depression damage your brain?

My 17 year old son suffers from depression. He doesn't want to spend time with friends or leave the house. Does depression damage your brain?

4 Answers

Depression is often the result of changes in the neurotransmitters in different parts of the brain. This can result in poor functioning in brain activities (eg., thinking and mood) which can make it appear that the brain is damaged. With effective treatment, these changes reverse.
Generally speaking depression (if correctly diagnosed) is a serious illness that if left untreated can have serious consequences for the person's life and health, and sometimes leads to suicide. Depression has been connected to increased inflammatory processes in the brain, which means that there is a possibility that if depression is left untreated it could affect the brain in an adverse way. It is strongly advised that a child with suspected depression is seen by a specialist sooner rather than later. I hope this helps, Thank you! Dr. Dodd, MD.
Depression is more a manifestation of the brain not working quite right. Do not ignore this , he needs a good Physical exam and probably some blood work with his PCP. Optimizing his diet , cleaning away junk food good multivitamin and essential fatty acids . Depression can get a lot worse if it not addressed. Getting him involved in counseling to manage and better understand his feeling s would be a good move. Best Wishes