“Can watching a phone screen for too long cause any problems in my child?”
My daughter is 4 years old and watches videos on my mobile phone for a long period of time. I've tried to control it, but she still goes back on it. Can this pose any health problems for her in the long run?
4 Answers
It can cause dry eyes and obesity from not enough physical activity. Put the phone away and play outside with her. She wants to be entertained.
Physically, it will not cause any harm. I worry about children who watch too much "fill in the blank" TV, iPad, computer, iPhone, etc. I think it retards social development, so I think it should be limited. And don't let her watch alone.
Michael G. Martin, MD
Michael G. Martin, MD
No, excessive watching of videos will not in and of itself result in health problems, but there are other things she should be doing for her overall mental and physical health. Use some of the video time by reading to her, taking her to the park to play and exercise, let her help prepare meals, and playing educational games with her which are suitable for her age.