Urologist Questions Urologist

Dry/Cracked Scrotum Skin?

I have cracked skin on my scrotum, it's just one patch on the left. It gives this yellow liquid and is very minimal. It is red but no itching or pain. It went two weeks ago and has come back again. The dried skin which eventually formed on it fell off to reveal it again.

Male | 17 years old
Complaint duration: Few days

2 Answers

A dry skin on scrotum or testicle sack can be caused by some STDs, eczema or dermatitis
A picture is worth 1000 words. What you have is an ingrown hair that keeps getting infected. The medical term for this is folliculitis. The treatment for this is excision of the offending follicle. We start seeing a lot of this when people shave their scrotums. It also can happen from chafing of the underwear.

Dr. Niko Lailas