Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Elevated blood pressure?

I am a female 29 yrs. 255 lbs (274 highest). I went to the doctors for an IBS issue. The first doctor figured out during every visit my blood pressure was elevated. I was told it could be a "white coat" related because sometimes it was fine. My next visit was a new doctor and she saw me and said no, that's high blood pressure. The second doctor put me on amlodipine and took away my birth control (sprintec) to put me on the minipill (ortho Micronor/norethindrone). This birth control was absolute hell. I was on sprintec for 9 years no problems- aside from what she thinks is giving me high blood pressure). The first doctor thought it was my weight with a mixture of "white coat" (I did get nervous every time) and so I began a weight loss journey ( down 19lbs in 2 months). I called the second doctor and she basically said "tough it out/keep going on the mini pill." I know my body and I will not continue that minipill. I know that estrogen can increase blood pressure, but it's the only birth control I have been able to tolerate. The first doctor changed offices so I am stuck with the second doctor who won't listen to what I am saying about the minipill and my body's reaction to it. My question is, can I stay on sprintec and amlodpine?

Female | 29 years old
Conditions: IBS

3 Answers

You doctor's impression that estrogen might be contributing to the increased blood pressure was correct, but it doesn’t mean we should sacrifice your quality of life for controlling your high blood pressure when we have so many options including lifestyle changes as you need with weight loss, low salt diet in combination with many good medications we have for high blood pressure. If you cannot use any other alternative contraceptive, I think you can continue your current pill and try to work on other aspects of lifestyle changes to help your high blood pressure. Exercise, good sleep, and reducing stress level can also help to lower your blood pressure as well.
You are likely to need a combination of anti-hypertensive medications. May I suggest that you see an experienced physician who can manage your hypertension as soon as possible? Sometimes further testing is necessary to confirm that your hypertension is primary is not related to secondary causes.
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Need to see a Provider who will work with you. Get your weight below 200lb and you may be able to go back on a different OCP. How about a Mirena IUD or a Paraguard?


Dr. Janice Alexander, RN, MD