Pharmacist Questions Pharmacist

Excedrin with Depakote?

If my son is taking Depakote can he take Excedrin?

3 Answers

If your son is at least 12 years old then use in moderation for mild pain should be just fine. However, it's not recommended for headaches in those under 18 years old. There are no drug interactions between the two, but do not allow him to take more than 8 Excedrin tablets in 24 hours for pain. Take it with food to avoid stomach upset. Avoid any other medications with similar ingredients, like Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen). Hope he feels better soon!
Thanks for your question.

First, you didn't indicate the age of your son, but children younger than 2 years old are at increased risk for hepatoxicity and occurs during the first 6 months of therapy .Excedrin has hepatoxicity as one of its landmark side effects hence avoid it if you can. There is more information missing in the question, what is he taking the Excedrin for, how long has he taken both the Depakote and Excedrin, and which Excedrin product is he taking? We can go into more detail explanations with these information added.
The Aspirin in Excedrin can increase the serum levels of Depakote. If he is just taking the Excedrin occasionally, it should be fine. If he is taking it on a regular basis he should have regular Depakote blood levels drawn to make sure no toxicity occurs. He should be able to take Tylenol with no interaction.