“My daughter has asthma. What exercises would you recommend for her?”
My daughter is 9 years old and has had asthma since she was just 3 years old. Can you suggest some exercises that will help in managing her condition better?
1 Answer
Depending on what kind of asthma, I would decrease the onset of potential inflammation caused by exercise by having her eat apple slices 15 min before exercising ( it will decrease inflammation by 30%, it’s like an albuterol treatment) lower carbohydrates in the morning ( carbohydrates get digested and the byproduct is Co2 Causing an increase in the body) C02 increase will cause increase work of breathing which can cause asthma to worsen. Now exercise, hand bike and stationary bike exercises are fantastic, if your out of breath..your already seated. Especially with pulse sensors and keeping track of the heart rate. (220-age= max HR) when CO2 is high heart rate will be high because the heart rate for the body is trying to pump out the CO2 it’s a good indicator.