Plastic Surgeon Questions Hair Loss

I am 19 years old and experiencing hair fall. What could be the reason?

I am 19 years old and since the last three months, I have facing severe hair loss. I have been losing from 20 to 40 hair strands every day. I don't have any history of baldness in my family and hence wondering if this could be due to my increased DHT levels? Please advice.

5 Answers

Thank you for your question. Although hormone levels do have a bearing on hair thickness and hair loss, in your case losing 20-40 hairs a day is completely normal. On average we lose about 100 hair strands a day as this is part of the normal hair cycle. If that is what you are seeing then there should be no cause for worry.
I am sorry to hear this, you need to see an internist and make sure you are nutritionally fit. I personally don’t do hair loss.

William A. Stefani, MD
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Yes, it could be. Other common causes of hair loss include hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiency, medication, thyroid disease or other toxins.
There are viable options for treatment for your hair loss.
Hair loss can stem from a variety of different factors. Testosterone is related to hair loss but it would be unusual for someone as young as you to experience what we call male pattern baldness which we believe is caused by a variety of different factors including environmental and genetic causes. Without a thorough examination and possibly blood analysis it is difficult to tell if you have an identifiable reason for your hair loss. In most cases of hair loss we cannot pinpoint a distinct condition that could be
causing loss of hair. You should see a physician, usually a dermatologist for further evaluation.

Shim Ching, MSc, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Your hairloss could certainly be related to your increased DHT levels. That is the most likely cause. Other common conditions can contribute to hair loss. These include hypothyroidism, stress, and assorted hormonal changes. It would be in your best interest to consult with an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, and possibly a dermatologist.