Councelor/Therapist Questions Low self esteem

I am suffering from extreme low self esteem. Should I opt for therapy?

I am 32 years old and I suffer from severe low self esteem. Is there anything that could be done? Is therapy an option?

4 Answers

Yes therapy is a benefit in helping you build self esteem.
Therapy can help you find your goals, strengths and valued abilities. Get help now start living the life you were created to live, honored, appreciated, respected and enjoy the gifts around you.Yes, therapy can help, find someone today.
Yes! Therapy is an excellent option.


Clair Minson

Thank you for your question. Extremely low self-esteem is definitely something that is treatable and can be very useful to discuss in therapy. Your therapist will work with you to understand about underlying factors that contribute to low self-esteem so you can gain clarity and insight into reasons why you feel like that, as well as to help you find healthy and
effective coping skills to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is usually developed through doing estimable acts, so you could also try to do things that make you feel good, such as helping others or giving back to your community.
I hope this has been helpful!


Jenna Torres, PsyD