Psychiatrist Questions Seasonal Affective Disorder

Why do I feel gloomy and sad during winters?

I moved to Michigan after my marriage, and I am originally from India. As you can probably guess, I'm not used to the winters here, but they are making me feel gloomy and at times, sad. Is this normal or is there something wrong with me? There are times where I feel like I can't even leave my own house because the weather is so depressing.

12 Answers

This sounds like season depression. Light therapy or an antidrepressant might help.
Gloomy is not an unusual feeling in winter, even for Swedes who are used to it. Being from India I would hope that your Eastern philosophy, perhaps Buddhism could be of use to overcome the urge to succumb to the feelings.
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It sounds like you have seasonal affective disorder. You can try therapy lights to start, then consider therapy and medication.
Winter can trigger depression in some people - this is called seasonal depression. There ways to manage this such as light therapy, antidepressant use during the winter months, vitamin D supplement and maintaining regularity in sleep and eating patterns to maintain normal circadian rhythm. People who have seasonal depression are negatively impacted by Decreased amount of sunlight during the winter months. It is important to have light exposure - phototherapy to simulate daytime - usually by using special artificial light in the morning and in the early evening.
There is a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. People with SAD feel depressed during times of decreased sunlight, but it can be treated with the right kind of artificial light. Depression is a very common disease, however, and about 1/4 of the population suffers from depression at some time. It also responds well to treatment.
The first step is to see a primary care physician for a basic evaluation. Problems like anemia or low thyroid can also produce those symptoms. That doctor can then make appropriate referrals if needed.
Good luck!
This is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. There is treatment for it, with either light therapy or medications
Seasonal affective disorder. You can buy a bright light (10,000 lumens or lux). 1/2 hr or more in your side vision.
You may have seasonal affective disorder. This often responds to therapeutic lights. You should see a mental health professional who is familiar with seasonal affective disorder, to establish a diagnosis.
It’s known that gloomy weather affects and causes humans to be mildly to moderately depressed. The effect of the sunlight starts this process. We treat it with mild antidepressants if it does not reverse with special prescribed light or, if they are lucky and can afford it, we prescribe a few weeks in the sun.
Thanks for your question.
Light plays a very important role in our mood and less exposure of light can lead to depressive ss. There is diagnosis of Seasonal affective d.o which describes sever depression in winter months. You have some ss but if if you cannot control and it disrupts your daily activities please seek help.
It sounds like you have seasonal depression. It can make you feel gloomy, sluggish and makes you crave carbohydrates. It is easily solvable by buying a bright light that mimics the sun. They are easily available at Just look for 10000 lux light therapy lamp. They range from 40 dollars to 200 dollars. To start with sit in front of the light for about 10 minutes a day because it can be activating and make you anxious or irritable. You can slowly work up to 30 minutes a day or as needed. It works very quickly and will make a great difference in your quality of life.
It’s most likely Seasonal affective disorder which is prevalent in cold dark climates. Exposing self to bright light also helps to lift mood along with exercise. Also, can discuss with your doctor.