Pediatrician Questions Child growth

Can children skip a few milestones as they are growing up?

My daughter is 8 months old and has not crawled at all. However, she is trying to stand up and even takes a few steps forward. Is it okay if she is missing the crawling milestone? Will it strain her growth process?

5 Answers

Some babies do not crawl but prefer to stand especially if they are put in an exersaucer or walker. If she is pulling to stand she is developmentally ahead. Try
putting her down on the floor more.
This is a common phenomenon especially with crawling. I have seen hundreds of babies skip crawling and go straight to walking. There is no long-term problem with this in terms of growth or development. Enjoy that you have an active infant and follow other milestones like her being able to pick up a cheerio and her speech development. I have more helpful tips on FB @doctorjarret, please like and follow.

Jarret Patton, MD, FAAP
Yes, it is perfectly ok. Some children will learn to stand and walk before they learn to crawl.
It is ok. Most overweight children do not crawl at all. Perfectly normal.
Yes. That is fine and common. Many children never crawl. As long as everything is normal, I would not worry too much about it. You can work on crawling. Do tummy time and place objects she wants a foot or two in front of her. Don't have any objects near by she can climb on. Make sure it's on a surface that's easy to crawl on, such as carpet or mats.