Councelor/Therapist Questions Mental Health

How can I get over my husband's infedility?

My husband cheated on me and has left me completely devastated. I am doing everything to try and forget it but nothing seems to work. What should I do to help me get over this?

6 Answers

If you attend a church, call the pastor/priest and ask if he can help both you and your husband in this difficult time. You cannot "forget", but you can "forgive". However, you need support in learning how to go forward in making your marriage stronger after this "event" which is how someone in the "counseling profession" can help. If you do not attend a church, then call some counseling agencies and ask if they have someone who can help both you and your husband with this particular situation in your marriage life.
Therapists are not able to manage medications, as that is typically outside our scope of practice. I would recommend discussing your concerns with your daughter's doctor and/or a Psychiatrist.
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Divorce him and get counseling to rebuild yourself and find a new love-filled future. You need to learn to love yourself, find yourself, and be yourself. Be the best you can be. To do this, you need to heal, a good counselor can help you heal, together you can rebuild yourself to love life and love again. A spouse who cheats is unfulfilled and never will find fulfillment unless they truly learn how to love unselfishly. Find a good counselor!
This is always so complicated and I'm so sorry you have been hurt. Infidelity can be damaging, but not insurmountable with the right help. I would find a good couples' counselor who is familiar with the Emotionally Focused Therapy model. They work relationally and work with the feelings that make us vulnerable that may or may not have led to both the infidelity, but also to the difficulties in forgiving. I don't think "forgetting" is the answer, but rather finding the way back to connection, which a professional can help you do if it is hard to do on your own.

Thank you for your question. I recommend that you seek therapy to process the infidelity from your husband and to learn new coping skills. Therapy can help to provide the necessary support during a relationship rupture such as this.


Jenna Torres, PsyD
This is a heavy and loaded question, and one that will require many different things at once.
First, you need a safe outlet to process this traumatic experience. Then, you need some positive interactions with him. And ultimately you need marriage counseling together to rebuild your bond.
Many marriages recover from things like this. But its very hard to do alone. Listen to some great podcasts like Only You Forver that discuss this issue. And ultimately, find a therapist you can unload this baggage with and do the good work of recovering from it.