“Gummy Bears and cancer”
I have been diagnosed with Cll. I've been on Chemo pills for about 4 months. I also have type 2 diabetes and I'm only 43! My energy levels change by the day at times and other times I feel pretty good! My question is I love gummy bears and I have a small pack, I know cancer loves sugar but I do believe everything in moderation. By me eating the gummy bears will that have an affect on my cancer?? Thank you!
3 Answers
Hmmm...you need to discuss treatment plans for the type 2 diabetes with your doctor. The treatment plans for the diabetes and the CLL need to be coordinated.
Wrong focus. This is a diabetes control question. Moderate control is fine, don't need to risk low sugar levels. Don't need to lose weight except a few patients for diabetes control. The whole sugar cancer thing has been dangerously blown out of proportion. It applies to a few hormonal lay driven cancers. Some of these patients do a little worse, if overweight, gaining weight 5% plus. If inactive, it may only make a difference in the group with resected no remaining detectable tumors. Effective cancer meds, when that can be ascertained, probably wipe out any diet sugar indiscretions your general diet needs. Conditions are the priority. Unless your doctors ask, say no, enjoy.