“Has my vision increased or decreased?”
Female | 21 years old
10 Answers
Best regards,
David J. Pinhas, M.D.
This does not tell us if your vision has actually decreased or increased. We would need to know what your visual acuity is while wearing that prescription. That would be expressed as something like 20/20 or 20/40.
Based on your age, I would guess that the most likely reason your prescription has 'decreased' is because the -1.75 you were given originally was too strong. It is common for young people to be inadvertently given prescriptions that are too strong but they can still wear them. However, as we get older we cannot tolerate too strong of a prescription so it has to be decreased.
Since I didn't examine you I am just making educated guesses here but again I would say it is more likely that your vision has not really changed but that your original prescription given to you was too strong.