Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Hashimoto's Disease

I have Hashimoto's, I think symptoms have gone into remission while I'm pregnant. Will they return?

I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's, a year or so before I got pregnant. Now, I haven't felt a symptom flareup since I've been pregnant. (I am 5 mos pregnant) Why is this happening, and does this mean the symptoms will return worse than before?

6 Answers

Yes, usually 3-6 months after you deliver.
Sometimes even earlier or later, but the more pregnancies and deliveries you have the worst it gets, thus destroying the function of the thyroid gland rendering one thyroid hormone deficient or hypothyroid.
Autoimmune thyroiditis can be triggered by many events that cause stress, in persons who have a predisposition .The body forms antibodies that can attack thyroid tissue and this may lead to high thyroid hormone levels in the bloodstream leaking from damaged thyroid cells. The condition can persist and smolder over years. Thyroid hormone levels can drop to normal or even lower. In pregnancy the condition may appear less active, but frequently flares up after delivery. Follow-up with an endocrinologist is advisable to monitor thyroid function and prescribe treatment during and after pregnancy, as needed.
If your TSH is normal or close to normal, there are no symptoms that we know of from Hashimoto's.
Most autoimmune diseases are dormant during pregnancy. Your thyroid issues may return postpartum. The window is usually about 6mon to a year.
Without seeing your lab values I cannot give you a definitive answer but only a general one. If your Hashimoto's was mild you may have a remission due to pregnancy hormones (thyroid can change a lot during pregnancy). In which case the Hashimoto's may come back when not being suppressed by pregnancy hormones but not necessarily worse. Just be sure you have free T4 & TSH checked frequently during the pregnancy (for the babies sake) and after pregnancy and adjust thyroid medicine
Hashimoto's disease attacks are intermittent, usually once or twice a year. They usually continue annually until the gland is no longer functional or is physically gone.