Urologist Questions Erectile Dysfunction

Having problems getting an erection. Why?

The head of my penis has white on it or around it. I am having problems getting it up when I'm with a female at night. In the morning it wakes up sometimes and it is erect but not all the time. What could it be? I have no discomfort when I when I urinate.

Male | 52 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

The white on the head of your penis is most likely a benign skin exudation commonly known as cheese. You should be able to wash this off with no difficulty. This has nothing to do with your erectile function. If your female partner does not excite you sufficiently, the erectile dysfunction is easily explained. When you have a morning erection, even though it is not every day, it shows that your erectile function is not compromised. It sounds like you and your partner should visit a sex therapist.
Could be a number of things (circulation, psychological, etc.). Go see your PCP to be further evaluated.