“Does a healthy person need to check creatinine levels?”
Is it necessary for a healthy person to check creatinine levels? Why or why not?
4 Answers
You need have a baseline value. If not on any meds/no change in health habits, you don’t need regular Cr level check-ups. May be better to monitor with your yearly exam.
Yes, a healthy person needs regular check ups that generally include physical exams and blood and urine tests. The blood tests are a complete blood count, blood chemistries that mostly include electrolyte levels, markers of kidney function, protein levels and liver function tests. The urine test is usually a urinalysis that is used to screen for abnormal loss of protein or blood in the urine. These tests screen for abnormalities but also help establish individual baselines. These are important in evaluating each individual when there is a disease process.
Adriana Cano.
Adriana Cano.