Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

hearing issues

Hello, I have gerd, and sinus and skin allergies, along with migraines sometimes, stress, and prediabeties. So today, I bent over to pick something up and shortly after I had fullness and buzzing in my ears, still have some fullness. But, whenever I would talk or someone else, it would sound like in a tunnel or chipmunk or alien/robotic type. Have any ideas what this could be?

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: hour

1 Answer

As you bend over, blood rushes into the venous system in the head, making the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory system swell, to include the internal structures and lining of the nose. Try popping your ears a few times, like you are on a plane. Likely you are experiencing a bit of temporary eustachian tube dysfunction. If the sensation does not clear up, have an audiogram (formal hearing test done) in order to rule out any sudden sensorineural hearing loss.