“What are some possible home remedies to relieve discomfort from a sinus infection?”
I have had a sinus infection for 2 weeks now. I completed my antibiotics, but it feels like the symptoms are lingering. Are there any home remedies that can help me to ease some of the discomfort and symptoms from my infection?
3 Answers
Repeated inhalation of warm STEAM and sniffing salt water up into the sinuses (called sinus LAVAGE) through the nostrils many times daily can reduce sinus sx.
Infections produce natural body inflammatory responses and even if the infectious agent (bacterial vs. viral) is "gone", the inflammatory remnants may remain. OTC anti-histamines such as Zyrtec or Claritin plus a nasal steroid spray may help the inflammatory symptoms. At times, the inflammatory component is too intense, will not respond to OTCs and a visit to a doctor may result in a prescription for a short course oral steroid such as prednisone.