Pathologist Questions Urinary Tract Infections

How are UTIs in children diagnosed?

My son has pain when urinating, and he also had some blood in his urine. I feel like this is a UTI. How are they typically diagnosed in boys? What tests will be done to confirm it?

2 Answers

Urinalysis is a test in the urine. It can detect UTI, Kidney disease, diabetes. Urine culture can detect and identifies specific bacteria and yeast that may be causing the UTI. A urine dipstick may be the only test healthy women with typical UTI symptoms need. The urine is examined under microscope for bacteria or white blood cells which are signs of infection.
Diagnosis is very easy by urinalysis. Best by primary health care provider. So called dipstick with demonstrate presence of bacteria (Nitrite test) & or Leucocytes (White blood cells). Symptoms can be due to urethritis. Please get him tested. At very least, inexpensive UTI kit should be available at your pharmacy. However, health care provided would be needed to prescribe antibiotics, if your son has a UTI
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