“How can I get over my fears of height?”
I have a very strong fear of heights, but I want to overcome it. What are the steps that I should take?
10 Answers
Dear Asker,
I am not your doctor and the following is not medical advice. An intense fear of something specific like heights would likely be classified as a type of phobia. Psychotherapy is the best treatment for phobias, specifically a type of behavioral therapy called exposure therapy. In this therapy you work on relaxation to reduce fear while gradually exposing yourself to the feared stimulus. You can seek out a psychiatrist or psychologist to do this type of therapy. Best of luck.
I am not your doctor and the following is not medical advice. An intense fear of something specific like heights would likely be classified as a type of phobia. Psychotherapy is the best treatment for phobias, specifically a type of behavioral therapy called exposure therapy. In this therapy you work on relaxation to reduce fear while gradually exposing yourself to the feared stimulus. You can seek out a psychiatrist or psychologist to do this type of therapy. Best of luck.
Literally take steps. One flight up, then down. Elevator up one, then down. Keep increasing. There are also medications.
Generally, the treatment for phobias responds to a type of therapy called exposure therapy. A good anxiety therapist would be able to help structure some interventions that could help gradually reduce that fear.
You have vertigo which happens as we get older and can happen as we are still young. It is situated in the balance section of the brain. Sometimes individuals have issues inside their ears and a medical doctor can help that. There are also exercises for balance which is an issue with vertigo. Google it and find the exercises if that is the issue! Many learn to live with it because the exercises don't work as much as we might wish. Remember, medications are good but the side effects can be horrible to live with. Your choice
There are evidence-based treatments such as progressive exposure therapy for your fear and every reason to believe that you can overcome this. Please look for a cognitive behavioral therapist with expertise in treating specific phobias. You can locate a therapist through the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapy (www.abct.org) and the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (www.adaa.org).
There are evidence-based treatments such as progressive exposure therapy for your fear and every reason to believe that you can overcome this. Please look for a cognitive behavioral therapist with expertise in treating specific phobias. You can locate a therapist through the Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapy (www.abct.org) and the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (www.adaa.org).